Transistor Circuit Design For Newbies
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are important electronic devices that find use in a wide range of applications. Learn how to design circuits with them.
Principle of Operation
There are various analogies that you will most likely come across when first learning about transistors, a useful analogy is that of a mechanically controlled water valve.
Here it is important to reference the water analogy of current and voltage. In the water analogy we picture a column of water moving through a pipe.
We define current as the movement of water (charge
) through the pipe (wire), or
in mathematical terms the rate of flow of water (charge
) past a given point with
respect to time:
Voltage is analogous to the pressure differential between two points. For
example, suppose we suspend water in a pipe and then apply a high pressure at
the top and a lower pressure at the bottom. We have just set up a ‘water
potential difference’ between two points and this tends to move water (charge
from the higher pressure region (voltage) to the lower pressure region.
The higher the water potential, the faster the column of water (charge
) moves
through the pipe when it has the chance.
In reality, voltage arises due to the presence of electric fields. For a given electric field between two points, a positive test charge may be placed at any distance along the electric field lines, that is, its ‘field potential’ varies and a positive charge placed closer to the positive end of the electric field feels more repulsion (and therefore has a higher potential to do work) than at the negative end of the field.
Potential difference (voltage) is just a differential measure of this electric
‘field potential’ or put differently, the capacity of charge to do work in the
presence of an electric
With this in mind the idea of a water valve then makes sense. The valve consists of three ports, one attached to one end of the pipe, the other port to the end section of the pipe and then the valve itself, sitting in the middle and regulating the flow of water between both ends.
By rotating the valve we adjust the water flow rate (current) through the pipe. This is the basic principle of operation of a transistor. However rather than applying a mechanical torque, we apply a potential difference at the base to regulate current flow.
You may think of the degree to which the mechanical valve is open or closed as proportional to the voltage applied at the base of the transistor. This means that we can control a potentially larger current through the transistor using a smaller current through the base (through the application of a base voltage), this is one of the useful properties of transistors.
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs
) usually consists of three semiconductor
layers which can be of two types: n
or p
. The individual silicon
layers are
crystalline structures that have what are known as dopants added to them. These
are individual elements (phosphorus
, boron
) added to neutral silicon
replace the corresponding silicon
atoms) in order to change the electrical
properties of the layer.
For example, boron
dopant has a valency (number of outer electrons) of 3
while silicon
has a valency of 4
. This means that when boron
and silicon
covalently (sharing of each others electrons) there is a mismatch (3
< 4
between their valence electrons, leaving a ‘hole’, which needs to be filled with
an electron in order to match silicon's
valency. This results in a crystal
structure with a net positive charge, the p
type layer.
In contrast phosphorus
dopant has a valency of 5
, again there is a mismatch
> 4
) with silicon's
valency (4
), allowing for the extra electron of
to move freely through the crystal structure and giving the overall
crystal layer a negative polarity, the n
type layer.
If we were to place an n
region and p
region together we would form an
electronic device known as a diode. A diode is a 2
terminal device (with the n
side connected to the negative terminal (cathode
) and p
side connected to the
positive terminal (anode
) that only allows current flow in one direction.
It is also worth nothing that by placing an n
and p
region next to one another
there is a localised effect at their layer boundary that results in a small
number of electrons (from the n
type region) migrating to the p
type region in
what is known as the depletion region.
The migration of electrons from the n type region to the p
type region at the np
boundary sets up what is known as a barrier potential, a secondary electric
field at the np layer boundary in opposition to the primary E-field
(between p
and n
This is the amount of voltage (pressure
) required to force n
layer electrons
through the np
barrier (the secondary E-field
) where they can flow into the
positive terminal (anode
) of the diode.
It is equivalent to having a water valve initially shut tight and requiring a
torque in order to get water flowing. A typical value for the barrier potential
of garden variety diodes is between 0.3v-0.7v
A bipolar junction transistor (BJT
) may be viewed as a combination of two diodes
(shown below for an NPN
transistor has two current paths, one from the collector to emitter
and the other from the base to emitter. The current flow from collector to
emitter represents the water flow in the pipe containing the valve, while the
current flow from base to emitter represents the degree to which the valve is
open or closed.
You might be wondering why conventional (positive) current flows backwards
through the base-collector
diode (from collector to emitter) for an NPN
transistor. As it turns out, current can actually flow in multiple directions
through a diode. However it takes much more voltage to ‘push’ charge through a
diode in the direction it’s meant to block than in the direction it is meant to
The ratio of base-emitter
current to collector-emitter
current is known as (\(\beta\))
and is an important consideration in the design of circuits using transistors:
Both transistor current paths have an associated voltage drop/potential difference across them.
For the current flow from base to emitter, there is the base-emitter
drop \(V_{BE}\) and from collector to emitter there is the collector-emitter
voltage drop \(V_{CE}\) :
The values of \(V_{CE}\), \(V_{BE}\) and \(V_{CB}\) have predictable values for the three modes of operation of a transistor, these are:
- Cut-off (The transistor acts as an open circuit; valve closed).
\(V_{BE}\) <
- Saturation (The transistor acts as a short circuit; valve completely open).
\(V_{BE}\) >=
- Active (The transistor acts as an amplifier; valve varies between closed and completely open).
Transistor as a switch
When using a transistor as a switch we place the transistor into one of two states: cut-off or saturation.
The following switching circuit is usually employed (with an NPN
) (shown
together with an LED
The circuit is seen consisting of a base current limiting resistor \(R_{B}\)
as well as a collector-emitter
current limiting resistor \(R_{LIM}\).
\(R_{B}\) serves to set up the correct base current, while \(R_{LIM}\)
serves to limit the maximum current through the LED
(shown in red) when the
transistor is switched fully on (driven into saturation).
To calculate the values for resistors \(R_{B}\) and \(R_{LIM}\) we use the equation relating base current to collector current defined earlier:
\[I_{c} = \beta I_{B}\]The first question becomes what collector current \(I_{C}\) we desire. This
value depends on the device/load you are trying to switch on/off. It is worth
noting that when a transistor is switched fully on (is in saturation mode) the
equivalent circuit (simplified) is as follows (shown without the LED
, you can
assume the LED
follows resistor \(R_{C}\)):
Thus at the collector a direct connection to ground is made. However this
connection is not perfect and there is an associated voltage drop from collector
to emitter of typically around 0.2v
(\(V_{CE}\)) rather than 0v
. Determining
the relevant value for \(I_{C}\) is then just a matter how much current your
load (LED
in our case) requires.
For example, a typical green led requires around 15mA
of current to light up
brightly so we set \(I_{C}\) = 15mA
. A green LED
also typically has a 2v
drop across it. To calculate \(R_{LIM}\) we use ohms law:
Given the LED
and collector to emitter voltage drops of 2v
and 0.2v
respectively, we can further reduce the above expression above to:
Choosing \(V_{CC}\) is just a matter of what you have at hand. For example,
a 5v
or 9v
supply would be adequate to drive the transistor into saturation as
long as \(V_{CC} >\) 0.7v
(due to the base emitter voltage drop) and \(V_{CC} >\)
(for the led).
Assume \(V_{CC}\) = 5v
, then \(R_{LIM}\) = 186.7
In calculating the required base current, we use the transistor’s \(\beta\) value. This
can be found on the transistors datasheet and typically varies from anywhere
between 20
to 200
. The rule of thumb is to use the minimum value of \(\beta\) for a
specific transistor type. For the standard garden variety 2N2222
transistor, the
minimum value of \(\beta\) is around 75
. Therefore to calculate \(I_{B}\), we have:
You might have noticed an additional factor called SF
for (safety factor). This
is a factor typically around 5-10
that we multiply our calculated \(I_{B}\)
with in order to ensure we drive the transistor into saturation. This gives a
value of around 1mA
for \(I_{B}\).
Given \(I_{B}\), calculating \(R_{B}\) becomes trivial as we know the
voltage across \(R_{B}\) as: \(V_{CC} - V_{BE}\) (think of
\(V_{BE}\) as a 0.7v
diode) and so we apply ohms law once again:
Now you can connect a switch between the base resistor and Vcc or connect the
base resistor directly to the output of a 5V-TTL
micro-controller in order to
turn the LED
on and off! The benefit of using a transistor to do that is that we
require a relatively small current (< 1mA
) in order to switch a much larger
current through the LED
In conclusion:
- Determine required collector current \(I_{C}\).
- Calculate \(R_{LIM}\) (ohms law).
- Calculate \(I_{B}\) using lowest value for \(\beta\).
- Multiply \(I_{B}\) by safety factor
. - Calculate \(R_{B}\) (ohms law).
The simple LED
transistor circuit was modelled in LTSpice
, with the LED
represented as a series voltage source (representing the 2v
voltage drop).:
A simulation of the DC
operating point of the circuit yielded:
Here we can see the ~1mA
base current (\(I_{b}\)) driving ~15mA
(\(I_{C}\)) current. All current values are shown in S.I
units of amperes
Transistor as an amplifier
Here we operate the transistor in its active mode to achieve linear amplification. Linear amplification means that our output should be a proportional scaling of our input. For example if we feed in a sine wave we should ideally get a scaled sine wave out, i.e with no distortion/clipping.
There are various circuit configurations used to achieve amplification using
transistors, a useful ‘template’ is known as common emitter configuration (shown
below with an NPN
Here we model a 20 mVp
(20mV amplitude) sinusoidal signal source with a
resistance of 50
\(\Omega\), but your input can be practically anything.
It should be noted that there are two electrical ‘components’ of the above
circuit, these are AC
(the fluctuating component) and DC
(the static component).
When analysing a circuit from a DC
perspective there are a few rules to follow:
- Capacitors become open circuits.
- Inductors become closed circuits.
This means that at the base of Q1
, C3
becomes an open connection, i.e the base
of the transistor cannot see signal source V2
or the 50
\(\Omega\). resistor.
Additionally, capacitor C1
becomes an open circuit and therefore has no effect
(it’s as if all the capacitors weren’t there in the first place).
Capacitor C3
is known as a DC
blocking capacitor and is used to remove the DC
component of the input signal at the feed point (base of Q1
). All signals have a
Effectively C3
serves to isolate the fluctuating (AC
) component from the net
signal, that is, we need a signal that moves along the line y = 0
Capacitor C2
is also a DC
blocking capacitor and also serves to remove any DC
offset at the output of the amplifier.
The role of capacitor C1
is a bit more involved and requires and understanding
of AC
circuit analysis, specifically the AC
signal gain/amplification
\(A_{v}\) which, for common emitter configuration, is given by:
Here \(z_{out}\) represents the output impedance of the common-emitter
amplifier which is given by the parallel combination of \(R_{c}\) and your
load resistance, \(R_{L}\) (connected to C2
From an AC
- Capacitors become short circuits.
- Inductors become open circuits.
- Voltage sources become grounds.
The term \(r'e\) is known as the transistor’s AC
base-emitter junction resistance
and is given by:
The introduction of capacitor C1
nulls out the term \(R_{e}\) from the
expression for \(A_{v}\). This is typically done to achieve higher values
of \(A_{v}\) than would otherwise be possible if resistor \(R_{e}\) was
still present. For lower, more controlled values of \(A_{v}\), resistor
\(R_{e}\) should not be bypassed by capacitor C1
The first step in the design of the amplifier is choosing \(R_{c}\) such that \(z_{out}\) isn’t affected by changes in \(R_{L}\). For example, for a large value of \(R_{L}\) choose \(R_{c} \ll R_{L}\).
For the purposes of our example we assume \(R_{L}\) = 100
\(k\Omega\). We then choose
\(R_{c}\) = 5
Next we determine the maximum AC
gain possible given a fixed \(z_{out}\) :
It is usually good practice to give 30%
of \(\frac{V_{CC}}{2}\) to \(R_{e}\) and 70%
to \(R_{c}\). Higher
ratios of \(V_{CC}(R_{e})\) to \(V_{CC}(R_{c})\) might lead to higher AC
gain (\(A_{v}\)) but
could sacrifice operational stability as a result.
Given \(V_{CC}\) = 5V
, we get \(A_{v}\) = 70
. This is the highest
expected voltage gain for this amplifier.
We know that:
\[I_{E} \approx I_{C} \approx \frac{0.025 A_{v}}{z_{out}}\]Thus, given \(A_{v}\) = 70
, \(z_{out}\) = 5
\(k\Omega\) we have \(I_{E}\) =
. We are now able to calculate \(R_{e}\) :
For \(V_{CC}\) = 5V
, \(I_{E}\) = 0.35mA
we get \(R_{e} \approx\) 2.1
A useful parameter for common emitter configuration is the AC
input impedance
(looking in from C3
) and is given by:
Here \(R_{base}\) represents the AC input impedance of transistor Q1
(looking into the base):
We know how to calculate r'e
from earlier and we use the minimum value of \(\beta\) (75
for 2N2222
) to calculate \(R_{base}\) :
Thus \(R_{base}\) = 5.4
Returning to our DC
analysis, we calculate the expected voltage at the
transistor base:
We know that \(V_{Re}\) is 30%
of \(\frac{V_{CC}}{2}\), which gives \(V_{B}\) = 1.45V
Now given \(I_{E}\) = 0.35mA
we can again use our minimum value for \(\beta\) to
calculate our required base current:
Thus \(I_{B}\) = 4.57uA
At this point we need to ensure that small changes in the value of base current
(which occur due to variations in \(\beta\)) do not significantly effect the DC
operating point of the amplifier circuit.
In order to ensure a stable operating point we ‘stiffen’ the voltage divider by
ensuring the only a small fraction of the total resistor divider current flows
into the base of transistor Q1
A good rule of thumb is to allow for 1%
of the total divider current to pass
into the base of the transistor.
We can therefore assume that \(I_{R1} \approx I_{R2}\) and solving the
above expression yields \(I_{R2}\) = 0.456mA
. Since we know the voltage
across \(R_{2}\) (given by \(V_{B}\)) we can calculate the resistance
This gives \(R_{2} \approx\) 3.2
\(k\Omega\). Finally we calculate the value of
\(R_{1}\) :
\(R_{1} \approx\) 7.8
The values of capacitors C3
, C2
and C1
are chosen such that the capacitive
reactance (resistance at AC
) at the desired signal frequency is minimal.
Capacitive reactance is given by:
\[X_{C} = \frac{1}{2\pi fC}\]Now that we have all the required component values, we build the circuit in
A simulation of the DC
operating point was performed:
Here we can see our expected \(V_{base}\) of around 1.45V
and an emitter
current of around 0.38mA
(instead of 0.35mA
), not too bad! Let’s measure the
voltage gain (with the signal source set to a peak amplitude of 1mV
and a 100K
\(\Omega\) load attached):
Our output across our load is seen reaching an amplitude of 70mV
and so we have
a voltage gain of ~70
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